Discover McKillop Park at Freshwater

McKillop Park
Photo credit: Tess MacKern/ Facebook

Head over to McKillop Park at Freshwater and enjoy its iconic views of the Freshwater Beach.

Located at Lumsdaine Drive in Freshwater, McKillop Park is an ideal place to do various outdoor activities. Whether it is a simple sightseeing or even an outdoor exercise, McKillop Park has got you covered.

Outdoor Training

Enjoy the great outdoor views whilst you bust out some cardio exercises over at McKillop Park. There are decent sized stairs and available walking tracks that are suitable for weight training, long run, and sprints.

You may also stroll around the park with your bike or skateboard. If you are into yoga, why not bring a mat over and practice some exercises outdoors?

McKillop Park Bikers
Photo credit: BIKEast/ Facebook

If you are still up for more activities after your outdoor workout, the Freshwater Beach is easily accessible from the park since it is only a few metres away. You may head over to the beach and have a relaxing cool down session and  a good post-workout swim.

Iconic Views

McKillop Park takes pride in its beautiful iconic views of the Freshwater beach, and most of the northern coastline. It is no wonder that a number of locals simply hang around in this area and just do sightseeing, or sometimes even whale watching when it is on season.

McKillop Park Surfer Statue
Photo credit:

Also located at the park is a statue of Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, the man who introduced the sport of surfing to Australia. Alongside his statue are various mosaic images and plaques that commemorates different world champion surfers. All these structures were built to pay tribute to the history as well as the first surfers in Australia.

If you have a couple of minutes to spare before or after your outdoor workout at McKillop Park, why not do a quick stroll for some sightseeing?

Nearby Facilities

Harbord Diggers
Photo credit: Harbord Diggers/ Facebook

McKillop Park has metered car parking spaces available. Located within the park’s vicinity are benches and public toilet facilities. If you are looking for a great dining place, the Harbord Diggers Club is just nearby McKillop Park.